If I should describe my family in a word, it would have to be embracing. The single greatest gift my parents have ever transmitted to my siblings and I is to be curious, creative and loving. Growing up, we never had the money to travel further than our car would go with a tankful of gas, but the two extraordinary people who raised us brought the world into our home. Nor did we have the means to buy art, so we made it. Our riches were not material, they were human. Our most prized possessions are the memories we share.
Today, I feel most priviledged that my heritage is a thirst for knowledge and adventure, compassion for others and a creative spirit that draws from a place where I’ll never grow old.
I want my photography to be all that. An artefact of our lives. A witness of human emotion. A window onto the world. If my images can make you smile or cry, if they make you wonder or dream, then my mission will be accomplished.

©Michel Jacques